About me

About me

As a freelance artist, I deal with inner images and archaic motifs. In doing so, I am inspired and guided by the impulses of the materials. My works develop from the dialogue between perception and image.



Art Therapist (BA)

Training / studies: full-time study of art therapy at the HKT in Nürtingen, educator, nature pedagogue, instructor for yoga and relaxation training for children.


Freelance artist. Since 2018 artistic and supportive, situationally accompanying offers in her own studio in Waldenbuch.

Artistic focus: sculptural work, textile work, natural materials and "worthless" material, printing, acrylic painting abstract.


I work from the inside out: ie subject, material and the process determine the creative experience.


In my courses, development and the joy of doing are in the foreground. We work individually or in small groups without expectations or evaluations.


With individual offers, I respond to the very special requirements of my respective customers. Do not hesitate to contact me! .

sculptural work

Natural materials

Acrylic painting stop


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